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"Our family chose Blessed Sacrament Church for our place of worship because we live within its boundaries. However, with that being said, Blessed Sacrament is where we come to be refreshed, re-energized and renewed each week, to go forth serving God's family in our small part of His glorious creation."


One word: Comforter. (All the priests, including you, have always been a source of comfort when we experienced moments of loss, doubt or need for forgiveness).


“We have been members of the parish for 47 years and feel that Blessed Sacrament parish and school are the heart of Eastwood!”



“Blessed Sacrament Church is a friendly and caring Christ centered community that we joined in 2000 as we began our married life together. It has been and continues to be a wonderful place for our 4 children to learn about their faith and grow with God.  Blessed Sacrament is a great parish with loving clergy, dedicated staff and faithful laity. It is our home away from home.”



“Our family (myself; wife Nichole; son Sully- BS 6th grade; daughter Ellie- BS 3rd grade) feels as though Blessed Sacrament Parish chose us as opposed to the other way around.  Soon after my wife and I had children, we felt the Holy Spirit drawing us to Blessed Sacrament School (BSS) and parish  (BSC) in subtle but definite ways.  I was not baptized catholic and I started to attend mass with my wife, a lifelong catholic.   Being in the presence of the Holy Spirit through the parishioners and priests soon caused us to enroll our kids at BSS and drew me to successfully participate in the Parish’s RCIA program.  It has been and still is life changing to feel God drawing our family ever closer though our Parish!”



I was born into Blessed Sacrament parish. I was baptized there, attended weekly mass with my mother and grandmother, made all of my sacraments, and had many positive experiences with the caring parishioners and priests. As an adult, I was married at Blessed Sacrament and have volunteered with the food pantry, faith formation program, and as a lector. I am thrilled to be raising my only child at my beloved Blessed Sacrament. My parish in 'caring'.”

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