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HANDICAPPED ACCESSIBLE                                                             


St. Vincent is handicapped accessible. The northern side doors in the church will allow easily entrance into the church by anyone using mobility equipment. 


SPECIAL NEEDS SEATING                                                                   


For those who may have mobility difficulty or other special needs, there is up front, to the left of the church, two reserved pews. At communion time, the Eucharistic Minister will come to you and therefore, you will not need to leave the pew to approach the altar.


EUCHARIST FOR THE HOMEBOUND                                                        


If you know of anyone who is sick and homebound and who would like to receive the Eucharist, please contact the rectory at 315.479-6689 to arrange a visit.


GIFT BEARERS                                                                                          


If you have a Mass intention to be said for a loved one and would like to bring up the gifts at the Offertory, please speak with an usher prior to Mass.


LOW GLUTEN HOSTS                                                                            


Low gluten hosts are available who those who need them. Please come to the sacristy prior to Mass and speak with the priest. At communion time, please come down the center aisle and receive from the priest.


CHILDREN SAFETY                                                                                  


We want our children to be safe at all times. Adults should accompany all children to the restroom at all times.

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