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​​​​Saturday, Jan.11,  4pm, Margaret Oropallo, req. by Carl Oropallo 


Sunday, Jan. 12, 10:30am, Mafalda & Joseph D’Amore, req. by Family


Monday, Jan 13,  Noon, Joseph “Pep” DeCastro, req. by Mr. & Mrs. Nick Di Gaetano


Tuesday, Jan. 14. Pm, Rev. Alfred J. Babel, req. by Bernie Babel


Wednesday, Jan. 15, Noon, Tina DeCastro, req. by Dan Shrader


Saturday, Jan.18,  4pm, Deceased Members of the Owlett Family, req. by Kristi Owlett           â€‹

Sunday, Jan. 19, 10:30am, Heavenly Anniversary of Joseph Ciccarelli, req. by Mary Anne Ciccarelli


Monday, Jan 20,  Noon, Samuel A. Conti’s Heavenly Anniversary, req. by daughter, Maria Conti


Tuesday, Jan. 21. Pm, Rev. Alfred J. Babel, req. by Bernie Babel


Wednesday, Jan. 22, Noon, Tina DeCastro, req. by David Conzone


Saturday, Jan.25,  4pm, Birthday Remembrance – Robert “Bob” Pucello, req. by Anna Pucello


Sunday, Jan. 26, 10:30am, In Thanksgiving for All of Your Prayers, req. by Ed Poswiata

Monday, Jan 27, Noon, Samuel A. Conti’s Heavenly Anniversary, req. by daughter, Maria Conti

Tuesday, Jan. 28. Pm, Rev. Alfred J. Babel, req. by Bernie Babel


Wednesday, Jan. 29, Noon, Tina DeCastro, req. by Jane & Ron Zerrahn


Saturday, Feb. 1, 4 pm Jamie Kotas, req. by Grandparents, Peter & Jackie Aloi


Sunday, Feb. 2, 10:30am, Special Intentions, req. by Mary Anne Ciccarelli


You can request the Sanctuary Lamp be lit for your intentions. Please call the rectory at 315-479-6689 if you would like to reserve a week. .


We have some weekend Masses available for special intentions, in thanksgiving or for remembering loved ones. The cost is $15.00. Please call the rectory at 315-479-6689.


Sanctuary Lamp is lit this week in remembrance of Bob Holliday at request of his family


Sanctuary Lamp is being lit for the Special Intentions of Delores Ratowski 


Sanctuary Lamp is being lit in Thanksgiving at the request of Donna Ruth.


Sanctuary Lamp is being lit at the request of the family in memory of Charles Pontius.



WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMFORT AND RESTORATION OF HEALTH FOR: Nick Mulpagano, David Vrolyk, Ed Poswiata, Helen Schaefer, Ralph & Mary Marsello, Linda Winterfield, Donna & Bob Ruth, Alberta DeStefano, Ron Egerbrecht, Peter Aloi, Luella Powers, Toni Franklyn, Edward Wortley,
Sr., Katie Chase (niece of Peggy Chase), Martha Barnett, Frank D. Montalto, Maria Conti, Lorraine Hickox, Linda Barbus, Sue Winchell, Martha Murphy, Ron, Sr. & Sandra Betts, Desiree Landers, Anne Marie Drury, John Ferguson (brother of Sue Overton and Linda James), Kristen Berg (granddaughter of John and Carm Fitzgerald), Mary Ann Delaney, Judy Prosser, Bernadette Vigliotti, Renee Raszl,
Marian Brooks, Gemma Colasanti as well as all the military serving at home and abroad. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Hon. Thomas J. Murphy, father of Dc. Tom Murphy.


Please pray for the repose of the souls of Syracuse Police Officer Michael Jensen and Lt. Michael Hoosock. Please pray for their families and friends that they may find peace in this senseless violence that took their lives while serving us, the public. 



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