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The society is open to all women of the parish and exists to promote devotion to the Holy Rosary and to maintain care for the church altar as well as to enrich the spirituality of its members and that of the parish community it serves.


The Altar Rosary group hosts many parish functions, including bake sales, annual spaghetti dinner, Valentine’s Day brunch and Lenten poverty supper. The funds raised are returned to help defray cost of the operation of the church and/or neighboring charitable organizations.


Current members:

Sandy Vieau (315)-569-3039b 

Cheryl Dalto  (Chair) 315-427-6151




Devotion to St. Anne began early in the history of the Catholic Church. As she was favored by God to become the mother of the holy Virgin Mary, she is often invoked as the Patron of mothers as well as for relationships, among other things. Although Saint Anne is not mentioned in the Bible, she is the holy mother of Mary and grandmother of Jesus. When we pray the St. Anne Novena, we are asking help from our Blessed Mother’s mother! Saint Anne’s feast day is on July 26. 


The Novena to St. Anne at St. Vincent De Paul started about 90 years ago and it has drawn many people to nurture their spirituality in Christ. It is celebrated for three days around July 26 with celebrations of holy masses, confessions, anointing of sick and the procession of St. Ann’s statue. Speakers are invited to spiritually feed the attendees and many people attend it locally and out of town.


Current Members:                                                                                                            

Ann Gorton 315-478-7664 




Legion of Mary society at St. Vincent De Paul is part of a much larger worldwide organization of the faithful who foster devotion to the Blessed Mother and practice Spiritual Works of Mercy.  The group meets weekly on Wednesday, prays the rosary, and cares for visiting the parish shut-ins.  Each week the members visit shut-ins, providing church bulletins while keeping these members connected to the parish, report on past visits and plan for the next are planned during the meeting.  


Current Contact

Sister Joana Baidoo 315-278-6197

Patsy Holliday 315-479-6009



Do you have questions about the Catholic faith, or does someone you know have questions? Do you know anyone who is considering the possibility of becoming a member of the Catholic Church? Are you yourself considering this possibility? Perhaps now is the time that God is calling you to action, whether on your behalf or on the behalf of another.


The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults RCIA (and the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children RCIC) is for anyone over age 7, who: has never be baptized OR has been baptized in another Christian religion, OR has been baptized Catholic, but has not received the sacraments of First Eucharist and/or Confirmation.



For information about RCIA or RCIC or to have a detailed conversation about the program contact the parish office. 

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