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In civil law, St. Vincent de Paul Parish like any other parish in the diocese is a corporation which is governed by a Board of Trustees which includes the Bishop, Vicar General/Moderator of the Curia, the pastor and two lay individuals (Trustees) subject to the canonical jurisdiction of the Diocesan Bishop, according to NYS Law. The Parish Finance Council acts in an advisory capacity and the Parish Trustees participate more directly to ensure the wellbeing of the parish.


The duties of the Board of Trustees are fiduciary and require responsibility for the care and preservation of the temporalities and property of the parish corporation.


The Board of Trustees votes to approve any sale of real property. Following the approval of the Diocesan Bishop, the parish may then petition the NYS courts for an order to allow the sale. The Board of Trustees would need to act in a similar manner if the parish mortgages or leases any of its real property.


Along with the Parish Finance Council, the Lay Trustees play an active role in the review of the annual parish corporation budget. Additionally, the Lay Trustees are responsible for reviewing and signing the annual financial report of the parish corporation along with the pastor, after the Finance Council has reviewed it. The report is then forwarded to the Bishop.



Most Rev. Douglas Lucia (Diocesan Bishop)

Rev. John Kurgan (Vicar General)

Fr. Severine Yagaza
Mary Burr

Robert James



The St. Vincent De Paul Parish Finance Council (PFC) assist the pastor as an advisory committee with parish finances. It also provides advise/recommendations to the PPC as needed.


The PFC meets on a monthly basis (or as needed) and periodically reviews parish financial reports, such as budgets, balance sheets, and income statements. It also provides advice on management of parish finances and reviews parish investments. PFC will review results of Diocesan audits, discuss significant gifts or bequests assists in setting parish financial priorities.



Carl Oropallo - chairman

Bob James
Mary Burr
Pat Pilon

Phyllis Egerbrecht

Ronald Egerbrecht

Alberta DeStefano

Ann Gorton

John Fitzgerald
Fr. Severine P. Yagaza



The St. Vincent De Paul Parish Pastoral Council (PPC) serves as an advisory body to the pastor on matters concerning the life and pastoral ministry of our parish. PPC focuses on the development and implementation of the mission, vision, proprieties, and direction of our parish. The role of the PPC is to represent the interest of the whole parish community.

PPC meets regularly throughout they year. Parish members are always welcome to sit in on our meetings, to contact our PPS representatives to share ideas or concerns, or to complete and submit individual/communal recommendations or opinions by writing. Announcements on upcoming PPC meetings and briefs from meetings will appear in the parish bulletin. Make you voice heard in the parish by contacting the PPC by contacting the Parish Office.


2022/2023 PPC MEMBERS

Sue Overton - President
Jackie Aloi
Patty Ilacqua
Mary Burr- trustee of the church

Bob James-trustee of the church

Jane Caltabiano

Ann Gorton
Sr. Iba Gregoire

Phil Lyman
Fr. Severine Yagaza

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