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Blessed Sacrament Church Survey Summations


Survey Concerns: Use of social media to promote activities would be helpful to get the word out.

Ways being addressed: Our linked parishes share a Facebook page: Please follow the page to find out about events, as well as reflections and diocesan information.

Survey Concerns: "I like the parish and family events but could be a little more frequent. The question is what can we do to pass on the light?"

Ways being addressed: Our hospitality subcommittee is working to bring more events to the parish. One of our key events is the Parishioner Picnic on September 8. Join us for a breakfast picnic wiht a bubble show by Doug Rougeaux, games, raffles, and ice cream truck. Reservations are due by September 3, reservation information is in the bulletin and on the parish website. What a way to connect with friends and spend enjoyable time together.

Survey Concerns: Evangelization and Welcoming New Members

Ways being addressed: We are all capable of inviting others to Mass and parish events. Take advantage of the upcoming Parishioners Picnic and invite other to come to Mass with you and join in the picnic festivities. As we learn of new members, they are sent a welcome letter and they are added to the bulletin to allow our faith community to welcome them, too!

Survey Concerns: A request for more Senior events.

Ways being addressed: Our parish is both linked with St. Vincent's and the parishes nearby in our Vicariate. The goal of our diocese is for parishes in the Vicariate to be working together and utilizing resources from each other's parishes. We will be sharing events at our Vicariate parishes in the upcoming bulletins. If you are interested in organizing Senior events, please contact Mary Roulston at

Survey Concern: More to be offered and shared with kids and families

Ways being addressed: As noted in last week's bulletin we will add kids/youth items in the bulletin, and advise of events focused for families as they are scheduled.

Survey Concern: Hymn numbers posted need to be checked - they often do not match.

Ways being addressed: Suggestion has been provided to pertinent representatives and will continue to be regularly checked for accuracy.

Survey Concern: Clear pronunciation of the Mass Intentions and the parishioners who passed away that previous week as well as addition to bulletin of recently deceased parishioners to pray for.

Ways being addressed: The deceased are regularly remembered in monthly bulletin entries, and the parishioners who passed away during the previous week are announced during the Prayer of the Faithful at the weekend Masses. The clergy and lectors have been asked to carefully pronounce parishioners' names.

Survey Concern: Additional communications suggetsions were mentioned in the survey comments.

Ways being addressed: While good comments did come forward about mailings to seniors, bulletin is clear and easy to read, and the eBulletin and social media efforts are great, the improvements going forward will include online and bulletin for volunteer opportunities, adding a staff listing in the bulletin, and the names of the celebrant, homilist, cantor, and lector for the current and upcoming weekends.

Survey Concern: Parishioners expressed concern with homilies that are lengthy and unfocused.

Ways being addressed: The Council shared parishioner concerns with Father Severine who shared with the Deacons. The suggestions shared with Father included homilies that are prepared ahead of time, are focused with a spiritual and faith-filled message, and shortened in length to 8-10 minutes. Poor Francis has also addressed the length of sermons and has said to keep them timely. The suggestions for personal references and humor were shared and requested in helping homilies to be more meaningful and interesting.

Survey Concern: Need for additional Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors with timely advance schedule provided to current and new EMs and Lectors.

Ways being addressed: While there is currently a shortage of Eucharistic Ministers and lectors, regular invitations to individuals and posting in bulletin for additional Eucharistic Ministers and Lectors have been ongoing. Note that the more signups recieved, the more flexibility there would be in the schedule. We encourage all parishioners to participate. Training is provided.

Survey Concerns: Lack of events for people, we used to have gatherings, movie nights during the winter, and appreciation breakfasts.

Ways being addressed: To imporve the parish events for parishioners, the Council has brought back the Hospitality Hour after 9:15am Mass, having Wine/Cheese events each season following the 5:15pm Mass, and are working to have a parish pinic or gathering this summer. Parishioners interested in helping to plan or assist with social gatherings, please contact Mary Roulston at

Mass and worship- Vicariate mass times in our area:

Blessed Sacrament: Saturday at 5:15 p.m., Sunday at 7:30 a.m. And 9:15 a.m.

St. Vincent's: Saturday at 4:00 p.m., Sunday at 10:30 a.m.

St. Daniels, Saturday at 4:00 p.m. Sunday at 9:15 a.m. And 12:15 p.m.

Holy Cross Saturday at 4:00 p.m., Sunday at 10:30 a.m. And 5:00 p.m.

St. Matthews : Saturday at 4:30 p.m. Sunday at 8:00 a.m.

Transfiguration: Saturday at 4:00 p.m., Sunday at 9:00 a.m. And 10:45 a.m.

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