Coffee Hour
This ministry gears at bringing the parishioners together for fellowship and conversation after the Sunday 9:30AM holy mass. The committee prepares hot coffee, tea, chocolate, milk and donuts for those who attend mass to socialize together in the basement of the church.
Martha Murphy 315-729-6547
Fund Raising
This ministry coordinates social events in the parish to raise money to support the parish and her various missions. Some of these activities are 50/50 Raffle, Lent Fish Fry (now done in conjunction with Blessed Sacrament Parish) and Annual Golf Tournament done in the summer.
Current members:
Bob James (Chair) – 315-471-0818
Bob coordinates the fish fry, 50/50 raffle and the golf tournament.
Hope Appeal
The HOPE Appeal is the annual giving campaign of the Diocese of Syracuse. Every year the programs and services supported by the HOPE Appeal touch countless lives in every city, town, and rural area in our diocese. When the goal of the HOPE Appeal is achieved, we ensure that these programs will receive the funding that is needed. The HOPE Appeal serves nearly 230,000 Catholics and non-Catholics in 121 parishes across seven counties in Central New York. St. Vincent De Paul joins other parishes of the diocese to realize the goals of Hope Appeal raising
awareness among her parishioners to generously contribute into this campaign.
Current Members:
Carl Oropallo (Co-chair)
Phyllis Egerbrecht (Co-chair)
Peace and Justice
The committee members seek to raise awareness of pressing social issues through various means including bulletin articles, local sponsorship of current campaigns and coordination with the Interfaith Sanctuary Coalition.The emphasis is on the teachings of Pope Francis, especially protection of migrants, refugees and the poor, and the struggle to thwart climate change.
An Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass and celebration is organized every December by our Hispanic members.
Current Members:
Paul Welch (Chair) 315-446-3733
Youth Ministry
Please contact Parish Office at 315-479-6889 or
The Youth Ministry was formed to provide spiritual, educational and physical opportunities for the youth of our parish. Spiritual activities include participation in Diocesan sponsored events as well as visits to the Franciscan University of Steubenville in Ohio and the University of Notre Dame in Indiana. Catholic Education is made available through weekly faith formation classes as well as other scheduled events and workshops. A variety of athletic opportunities are provided including basketball and soccer. Jewelry making, clay crafted in the African tradition and
drumming instruction are additional options to become connected. Friday night movies are a
St. Vincent de Paul day care center
1103 Burnet Ave, Syracuse, NY 13203
At St. Vincent DePaul Daycare we strive to provide a safe, nurturing, stimulating, and educational environment we serve. We recognize children as individuals with different needs. We offer children a balance of developmentally appropriate structured and non-structured activities in order to successfully meet these needs. Our staff strives to foster cognitive, physical, social/emotional, and verbal growth in our children. St. Vincent Day Care Center-315-476-7508.