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Coffee Hour Ministry: The Coffee and Donut hour is a faith community building time each week following the Religious Education program´s schedule. Coffee and Donuts takes place in the Andrea Polcaro Room in the school following the 9:30AM Mass.  The ministry is to encourage parishioners to come together to share time together following Mass.  The ministry is also in place for students participating in the Religious Education program to have nourishment prior to class. A donation is encouraged to help offset the cost of the donuts and drinks. For more information, contact our coordinator Mary Klee at


Current members:                                       

Mary Klee  (Coordinator)


Fund Raising Ministry 

This ministry coordinates social events in the parish to raise money to support the parish and our Blessed Sacrament School (BSS). Some of these activities are Lent Fish Fry (now done in conjunction with St. Vincent De Church), Share the Wealth, and Spring Fling Dinner.


Current members:                                  

Griffin Harmon                                              

Bernie Corbishley, Jr.


Green Thumb Club Ministry: The parishioners that participate in this take care of gardens around the parish grounds.  Individuals or family tends each garden for the beautification of the grounds around the church, school convent and rectory.  We have about 20 different garden spots of which about ½ are currently being taken care of by parishioners.  Some people have tended some of the gardens for many years while some have been taken over in recent years.  Parishioners are given a fair amount of freedom in what they plant into the gardens.  Some have planted flowers from the altar.  Many of the gardens that have lilies are from the altar after Easter.  They are allowed to pick the type of flower or plants to put into their “personal” garden.  They typically purchase their own plantings to use.


Parish Clean-up Day Ministry: This day is typically timed to coincide with Earth Day (which is sponsored by OCRRA).  Posters are put up in church, announcements in the bulletin and announcements from the Altar are made a few weeks prior to let the parishioners know that it is taking place and asking for volunteers to come and assist.  It takes place on a Saturday near the end of April starting at 9:00 and usually takes about 2 ½ - 3 hours.  We start with clearing most of the dead plantings from the previous year.  Mulch is delivered (from Twin Oaks Nursery) to our grounds and then spread throughout the gardens and around some of the trees on the grounds.  Hopefully about 15 adults/older kids are able to attend.  Most recent years have seen about 10–12 have been showing.  The age range of attendees has been from 1st graders to seniors.  When the work is completed all are invited to a hotdog lunch to say thank you for everyone’s help.


Playground Mulch Spread Ministry: Every 3–4 years the school playground needs to have a new layer of “mulch” added to it for the safety of the children from falls while playing.  This is usually done with school parents (and some students).  Hopefully, mostly on a Saturday and finished in the evening of the following day.  40 yards of mulch is delivered to the area in front of the Convent garage, loaded into wheelbarrows, rolled through the garage to the playground and spread.  A group of at least 15 is helpful.  3–4 filling the wheelbarrows, 4-6 spreading and the rest moving the mulch in the wheelbarrows.








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