The Sacrament of First Eucharist (also known as First Communion) is an important rite for Catholic families and individuals. Holy Communion is the third of seven sacraments received. It occurs only after receiving Baptism, and once the person has reached the age of reason (usually, around the second grade). For more information on the program contact the Parish Office or Faith Formation Director bscfaith@bscstvsyr.org.
Faith Formation:
Registration and schedule information for Faith Formation and Confirmation sign up will be available on Sunday, September 17th after the 9:15AM Mass in the APR room of the school. Join us as we begin the 2023-2024 program year! Classes begin in October and a schedule will be provided when registration is received. Please return registration form and fee ($40.00) to the attention of the Faith Formation Director (note “Confirmation and grade level' in the reference line if providing a check made payable to Blessed Sacrament Church) via drop off at the rectory, the collection basket at Mass, or mail Blessed Sacrament Church (Attn.: Confirmation Coordinator, 3127 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206. Be sure to include an active email address for communication.