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WHAT is Confirmation?

In the Sacrament of Confirmation, the baptized person is & sealed with the gift of the Holy Spirit& and is strengthened for service to the Body of Christ. Simply put, this is the last “scholastic” step your child, now a teenager, will take. They will need to complete study, community work and meeting hours before they are confirmed. By doing these things they are showing a commitment to not just show up on Sunday for mass but to live daily as Christ did, to do good works as Christ did and to teach others as Christ did. All of this is led by, as all things in our lives should be, the voice of the Holy Spirit. This also requires an adult Catholic, often a Godparent, to stand as a “sponsor” for the youth.


WHO will be at my child's confirmation?
Confirmation is done as a part of a mass but instead of being celebrated by your parish priest, it is celebrated by the bishop of the diocese. The rite of confirmation includes three key parts: the renewal of baptismal vows, the laying on of hands by the bishop and anointing with the sacred chrism oil.


WHEN will my child be confirmed?
Unlike other sacraments, this one is completed over a series of years, usually two. After
completion of the program, confirmations are usually made in the late spring/early summer as
time allows.


For more information on dates and enrollment please call (315-479-6689), email
( or visit the parish office. In addition, check back here often for a
complete schedule of classes for the year.


CATECHISTS NEEDED Actively seeking catechists for all grades to help instruct in our Youth Program. Contact Youth Minister, Zach Martin at


For individual questions see Faith Formation Director Kim Mann at


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