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What is Confirmation?

Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the sacraments of Christian initiation. “Confirmation brings an increase and deepening of baptismal grace. It roots us more deeply in the divine filiation which makes us cry, "Abba! Father!" It unites us more firmly to Christ. It increases the gifts of the Holy Spirit in us. It renders our bond with the Church more perfect. It gives us a special strength of the Holy Spirit to spread and defend the faith by word and action as true witnesses of Christ, to confess the name of Christ boldly, and never to be ashamed of the Cross.” 


Preparation programs for Confirmation are available if your daughter / son has been baptized and has celebrated the Sacraments of First Penance and First Communion.  Contact the Director of Faith Formation at Blessed Sacrament Church (315.437.3394 or if additional sacramental preparation information is needed in order to participate in the Confirmation program. 


Registration and schedule information for Faith Formation and Confirmation sign up will be available on Sunday, September 17th after the 9:15AM Mass in the APR room of the school. Join us as we begin the 2023-2024 program year! Classes begin in October and a schedule will be provided when registration is received.  Please return registration form and fee ($40.00) to the attention of the Faith Formation Director (note “Confirmation and grade level' in the reference line if providing a check made payable to Blessed Sacrament Church) via drop off at the rectory, the collection basket at Mass, or mail Blessed Sacrament Church (Attn.: Confirmation Coordinator, 3127 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206.  Be sure to include an active email address for communication. 



The Catholic Faith on Demand FORMED.ORG Blessed Sacrament Church/Blessed Sacrament School/St. Vincent de Paul Church The Catholic Alternative for Movies, Documentaries, Bible Studies, Audio Books, Sacramental Prep, RCIA/C, audio talks with Catholic theologians/apologist to help us grow in our Catholic faith tradition.


Free videos, books, and resources through FORMED! Formed is a program that churches provide for their parishioners and replicates the streaming layout with a vast library of videos that are free for our parishioners. A simple signup is all you need to have access to many movies, kids’ shows, books, etc. 

To sign up: From your browser on your phone, laptop, Ipad, computer, or Smart TV, type in Click on FIND YOUR PARISH SUBSCRIPTION. Type in the church name to locate Blessed Sacrament Church in Syracuse. Select NEXT. Add YOUR NAME and EMAIL ADDRESS. That’s it – you’re in!          


To Join: Go on your computer, phone, laptop, and smart TV Go to Click on the sign-up tab Click on sign up as a parishioner Type in 13206 and click on Blessed Sacrament Church Type in your name and email address and then you have all the access to the programming.

Weekly Confirmation Candidate Spotlights:


This week we begin spotlights on our second year Confirmation Candidates as we approach their Confirmation date of May 19, 2024.


Week Five- Confirmation Spotlight:

Confirmation Candidate JOSEPH focuses on the gift of wisdom and feels pulled to being closer in his faith. He has felt the presence of God during a football game. He was baptized and celebrated his First Communion at Blessed Sacrament Church.



Confirmation Candidate SOCHIKAMJI's middel name is Denise and was named after Saint Denis who was the Bishop of Paris in the thrid century. She feels the gift of counsel has the most significant meaning at this point in her life. She is excited to celebrate Confirmation and share her faith and knowledge with others.


Week Four- Confirmation Spotlight:

Confirmation Candidate DANTE has been dedicated to Confirmation preparation as he prepares to take the next step in his faith. He has offered his time and talents generously throughout Confirmation preparation. He was baptized at St. Daniel’s and celebrated his First Communion at IHM.


Confirmation Candidate ALLISON is named after Saint Marie (for her middle name) who was known for founding the first Ursuline Monastery in Quebec. Allison was baptized at Blessed Sacrament and celebrated her First Communion at Sacred Heart. She felt God’s presence when she was praying backstage before a competition.


Confirmation Candidate TREY says that the gift of wisdom is prominent as he learns about Jesus. He notes he felt Jesus’ presence during a funeral. He was baptized at Blessed Sacrament and celebrated his First Communion at Blessed Sacrament as well.



Week Three- Confirmation Spotlight:

Confirmation Candidate SULLY wants to celebrate Confirmation because he wants to be an adult in the Catholic Church and also among his family members, too. He celebrated his baptism at St. Anthony’s church in Watertown and celebrated his First Communion here at Blessed Sacrament in the second grade. Among the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit, he says that wisdom is the most important for him and the world right now. Wisdom is extremely important to make good and correct decisions to propel parishes, communities, nations, and our world going forward.


Confirmation Candidate COLDEN is focused on Confirmation preparation as it will show he is a part of the church. He sees God’s presence when running a difficult or competitive race. God gives him the motivation he needs to keep going. Colden celebrated his baptism and First Communion at Blessed Sacrament.



Week Two- Confirmation Spotlight:

Confirmation Candidate MMASINACI feels at this time in her life that the gift of knowledge has significant meaning. She felt God's presence when she was taking an exam in school and when she almost drowned.



Confirmation Candidate OLIVIA celebrated her Baptism and First Communion at Blessed Sacrament Church. She notes that understanding is the most significant gift to her because she is beginning to understand God's plan for her. Olivia is preparing to celebrate the sacrament of Confirmation as she continues to live out her faith. She has felt God's presence before her basketball game when they prayed as a team.



Week One- Confirmation Spotlight:

Confirmation Candidate MADELYN was named after Saint Madeleine-Sophie Barat who was known for providing equal education for all no matter their social and economic status. Madelyn celebrated her sacraments at Blessed Sacrament Church and notes that the gift of knowledge has significant meaning in her life. She focuses in Confirmation on growing her relationship with Christ and the decisions she will have to make in life.


Confirmation Candidate AVERY notes his focus on the gift of knowledge in remembering all that he has learned about Jesus and in his preparation for Confirmation. He wants to celebrate Confirmation to be seen as an adult in the church and strengthen his relationship with God. He feels God's presence during adoration and in his heart. Avery celebrated his sacraments at Blessed Sacrament Church.

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