There are many ways that you can assist with financial needs of Blessed Sacrament Church and its many service ministries. You can choose the specific options below which works for you. Thank you in advance for your generosity to your parish church.
Recent changes in the tax code (Sec. 170(f) (17)) make it mandatory that receipts be available for all cash contributions deducted on your tax return. Itemized deductions for contributions to the Blessed Sacrament Church will require a direct deposit from your bank or your parish envelope. We track all contributions through the envelopes and can provide a year-end written statement of those contributions. It is very important to start now by using WeShare with an option of direct payment from your bank or a credit card or use envelopes if you plan on deducting any contributions of cash on your tax return.
The use of envelopes insures our parishioner’s receive proper credit and a year-end
statement of all monies contributed through the envelopes. Drop your envelopes in the
Sunday baskets, drop them at rectory, or mail them to the parish address. Your may also
drop them in any of the area parishes where you happen to visit for worship and they will
be sent to Blessed Sacrament Church.
Blessed Sacrament Church has made Online Giving available for any of our offerings, as
well as other parish and special collections. Donating is simple, safe, and secure and take
less than five minutes with an option of direct payment from your bank or a credit card. More information click on image of Online Giving of WE-SHARE.
Direct Gifts of cash can be mailed directly to the Blessed Sacrament Church 3127 James Street, Syracuse, NY 13206. Gifts of stock can be mailed directly to Blessed Sacrament Church or given through a registered stock broker. Any gift can be designated to be restricted in its use by stipulating when and what the gift is used for.
Some individuals may want to remember Blessed Sacrament Church in their wills, and may restrict the donation to the various ministries or operations of the parish. There are various ways to give from the estate through trusts, etc. A lawyer and tax professional may be needed to guide you through the complex laws in order to maximize the
contribution and estate funds. Your wishes are the most important factor to be concerned with. We pray for all of our generous contributions.
The HOPE Appeal is the annual giving campaign of the Diocese of Syracuse. Every year the programs and services supported by the HOPE Appeal touch countless lives in every city, town, and rural area in our diocese. When the goal of the HOPE Appeal is achieved, we ensure that these programs will receive the funding that is needed.
The theme for our Hope Appeal 2023 of our Diocese is “You Strengthen the Fabric of our Faith.” Through the Hope Appeal of our diocese we support various ministries to build up the Body of Christ in our Diocese. St. Vincent De Paul Church’s goal is $16,159.00. Blessed Sacrament parish goal is $51,949.00. Thank you for your continuous generosity. Together we will make our parish goals.
For more information on this year's appeal, please visit the Diocesan HOPE Appeal campaign page.
Thank you for your support of this year's annual Hope Appeal. With your generosity, we made our goal at Blessed Sacrament Church!