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Blessed Sacrament Church




Prepared by the Blessed Sacrament Church Pastoral Council


Dear Blessed Sacrament Church Parishioner,


As we continue to reflect and journey together as a Church, diocese, and parish, the Blessed Sacrament Church Pastoral Council would like to take this opportunity to be sure we hear your voices and are meeting the needs of the parish. This anonymous survey is just one way we seek to hear your voice and reflect on our journey. We appreciate your input and look forward to continued dialogue and discernment together.


At the conclusion of this survey, you will have the option to share contact information if you would like someone to reach out to you about your responses.


We encourage you to participate in the parish survey which begins on the next page. Thank you.


Online Option

Please fill out this survey using our online survey form below. By completing the survey online, you help us collect and synthesize responses in less time. To fill out the survey online, click the button below on your phone, tablet, and/or computer. NOTE THAT THE BSC PARISH SURVEY RESPONSE DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 8, 2023.








Print Option

If you are unable to complete the survey online, please click on the button below to use this printed form to complete the survey. NOTE THAT THE BSC PARISH SURVEY RESPONSE DATE HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO FEBRUARY 8, 2023. Surveys can be put in the collection baskets or returned to the parish office.


Please only fill out one survey per parishioner.




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