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Listening for God's Voice?  The Office of Vocation Promotion will be making vocation visits to Newman communities throughout our diocese this year. 

Listening for God's Voice?  The Office of Vocation Promotion will be making vocation visits to Newman communities throughout our diocese this year.  The purpose of these Vocation Visits is build community among Catholic young adults and assist them in the discernment of their vocation.  What is Discernment?  Discernment is a process and is an intentional way of discovering how God is leading you to be the person you were meant to be.  Meetings will begin with Mass followed by food, fellowship, and conversation.  For more info on these visits, please contact:

Our next vocations visit will take place on Wednesday, November 13th at the O'Heron Newman Hall at SUNY Cortland.  We will begin the visit with Mass at 6:00pm in the O'Heron Newman Hall Chapel.

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