SAVE THE DATES: Friday October 25th (evening), Saturday October 26th (10am-3:30pm) and all 3 masses at All Saints Church.
How can victim-survivors, loved ones and laity respond in love and solidarity to the church’s sexual abuse crisis?
--Events are focused on education, support, and developing hope for the future - and include:
· Fri. 10/25, 7PM: The award-winning play Groomed, performed at the Vatican last November. The 1-hour performance, followed by a talk-back with the actor, evokes strong emotions but is not graphic or offensive. Groomed is meant to educate, inform, and be a catalyst for discussions.
Sat. 10/26, 10AM-noon: "Truth-telling, Witnessing, Healing: A Trauma-Informed Response to Clergy Sexual Abuse," a presentation by Dr. Lisa Cataldo: M.Div., Ph.D., Fordham Univ. Graduate School of Religion and Religious Education. (Assoc. Prof. of Mental Health Counseling and Spiritual Integration.)
· Dr. Cataldo’s talk will be followed by Q&A with the audience.
· Light lunch on Saturday.
· Discussion groups on Saturday afternoon.
· Closing prayer event, and
· Reflection by Dr. Lisa Cataldo at All Saints Church masses (Saturday 4 pm; Sunday 9am and 11:30 am)
Registration for Friday and Saturday is not required but appreciated.
Register by emailing:
Counselors trained in trauma response will be on hand for all events.
Childcare provided for Saturday events.
For more information: call 315-447-8625.