Blessed are the Mothers who.....
-love the word of God, for their children shall know of the way, the truth, and the life.
-understand their children, for they shapp inherit a kingdom of memories.
-know how to comfort, for they shall posses a child's devotion.
-did without for their children, for they will be rewarded.
-guide by the path of righteousness, for they shall be proud of her offspring.
-lost sleep when their children were sick, for they will find rest.
-taught us right from wrong, for they will know justice.
-taught their children to pray, for she will share God's kingdom.
-love to pray, for their children shall feel the power of prayer.
-love to be companions to their children, for they shall be called understand Mothers.
-love to fight life's battles bravely with a strong and steadfast faith in God, for their children shall know where to find strength in time of needs.
-can look back upon memory's wall with no regret and can say, "I brought my children up in the fear of the Lord.
-taught the importance of loving God and each other, for they shall see God.
