WE ASK YOUR PRAYERS FOR THE SPIRITUAL COMFORT AND RESTORATION OF HEALTH FOR: Nick Mulpagano, David Vrolyk, Ed Poswiata, Helen Schaefer, Ralph Marsello, Linda Winterfield, Donna & Bob Ruth, Alberta DeStefano, Ron Egerbrecht, Peter Aloi,
Luella Powers, Toni Franklyn, Edward Wortley, Sr., Katie Chase (niece of Peggy Chase), Martha Barnett, Frank D. Montalto, Maria Conti, Lorraine Hickox, Linda Barbus, Sue
Winchell, Martha Murphy, Ron, Sr. & Sandra Betts, Desiree Landers, Anne Marie Drury, John Ferguson (brother of Sue Overton and Linda James), Kristen Berg (granddaughter of John and Carm Fitzgerald), Mary Ann Delaney, Judy Prosser, Bernadette Vigliotti, Renee Raszl,
Marian Brooks, Gemma Colasanti as well as all the military serving at home and abroad. Please pray for the repose of the soul of Hon. Thomas J. Murphy, father of Dc. Tom
Murphy, Martha Murphy , sister of Dc.Tom Murphy and Mary S. Marsello, Mother of Susan Marsello.