Catechetical Sunday is a day celebrated by the United States Conference or Catholic Bishops (USCCB) on the third Sunday of September to honor the ministry of teaching in the Catholic Church. The day highlights the importance of catechesis, or the act of sharing the Church's teachings with the world, and faith formation in the lives of Catholics. It also recognizes and celebrates those who have been called by God to serve is celebrated this year on Sunday, September 15, and the theme is "Lord, when did we see you hungry" (Matthew 25:37).
Join us at Blessed Sacrament at the 9:15am Mass to celebrate all catechists, past and present, for their dedication and faith presence to our Faith Formation, First Penance, First Communion, and Confirmation students and families. If you were a catechist at Blessed Sacrament at any time we invite you to join us for this special Mass and refreshments after Mass. We look forward to celebrating all catechists at the 9:15am Mass on September 15 at Blessed Sacrament Church!