Blessed Sacrament Church lmmaculata Award Recipient for 2023:
In every parish there are parishioners who are the "unsung heroes" who quietly provide their support, resources, time, talent, and treasure. Chris Shepardson, our next-door neighbor to Blessed Sacrament Church, is one such humble person.
Chris is an alumnus of Blessed Sacrament School. It was here - and with his parents' role model - that Chris developed a keen sense of service to his community and parish.
Whenever our parish is in need of advice, financial support for a project, or to simply roll up his sleeves to add a helping hand, Chris is there in a heartbeat. Chris would humbly be the behind the scene person to support our parish endeavors such as being the main person for setting up our live streaming/ taping of holy Masses and special liturgical services. Chris would generously provide resources for our parish gatherings over the years. Chris would be seen mowing the church grounds or removing deep snow with his Bobcat snow remover. Each year our parishioners are provided a yearly religious calendar, compliments of Shepardson's Funeral Home, due to Chris' generosity to Blessed Sacrament Church. In memory of his father, Tom Shepardson, Chris established a school scholarship to aid our young students at Blessed Sacrament School. This is just a sampling of the countless ways Chris Shepardson provides service to our faith community.
Blessed Sacrament Church is proud to announce that Christopher Shepardson is this year's lmmaculata Award recipient. The lmmaculata Award ceremony is December 70, 2023 at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception at 2:30 pm. The public is invited to attend this event. Join us in congratulating Chris as he humbly accepts this prestigious award from Bishop Douglas J. Lucia.