First Holy Communion and Confirmation
June 5, 2022 at 1:30pm
Congratulations to our Confirmation students celebrating the sacrament on Sunday, June 5, 2022 at 1:30pm at Blessed Sacrament Church. Join us for Mass with Bishop Cunningham and refreshments after the Mass in support of our students.
Rebecca Bielass (Rose)
Giana Calangelo (Catherine)
Riley Clark (Lawrence)
Zander Craner (John)
Sofia Finn (Cecelia)
Jack Gregory (Andrew)
Anna Kuehner (Cecelia)
Laura Markert (Elizabeth)
Aaron Nuzzo ( Anthony)
Luke Petragnani (Leo)
Ella Reilly (Catherine)
Frank Sgroi (Nicodemus)
First Holy Communion
May 1, 2022 at 9:15am Mass
Congratulations to our First Holy Communion class of 2022. We are blessed to have 21 or our parish children who received Holy Communion for the first time this weekend. May God bless these young children to grow up with the love of Jesus who has loved them first so much. THANK YOU to parents, all members of the extended families, and our catechists who have devoted themselves to help our children in their faith formation journey.
First Holy Communion
Breonna Barbano Riley Chimber
Marielle Davis Sophia DeSantis
Emma Gumpper Frederick Harmon
Raelynn Johnson Mary Grace Kuehner
Alina Ladouceur Charlotte MacDonough
Payton Marx Logan McEneny
Lucas Meyerhofer Ava Musolino
Derrick Osvoldik Milena Paparo
Brooklyn Sebold Henry Sheehan
Penelope Spatola Gabriella Ugoji
Mae Lynn Wright
